New IT Venture Corporation | NITV Telecom Services | User Agreement | SIM for Voice and Data
The purpose of the following Terms and Conditions of Users is to establish guidelines on rights, duties and responsibilities of NITV Mobile, Hikari Internet and Pocket Wi-Fi Users utilizing the SIM for Voice and Data (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Services’) provided by the New IT Venture Corporation (hereinafter referred to as ‘NITV’) operated by Softbank Y Mobile (Provider).

I am legally a resident in Japan and I am agreed with the following Service Terms and Conditions defined by NITV.
... Subscription terms set by NITV as below:
  1. User is applied NITV SIM Service for Voice and Data is for only Personal Purpose.
  2. Minimum contract period is 2 years and cancellation before 2 years shall be subject to 10,000 Yen fee.
  3. For Biz Plan Minimum contract period is 3 Years and cancellation before 3 years shall be subject to 20,000 Yen fee.
  4. While ordering SIM for VOICE and DATA Plan, customer should declare their device. Our SIM card has a dedicated service for iPhone and Android smartphones. For example, SIM dispatched for iPhone will not work for SIM free Android Smartphones and vice-versa.
  5. Payment shall be made in advance for basic fee as prepay and variable voice billing shall be post pay after 1 months. Eg, By the end of March Customer has to PayAccumulated Voice Call Bill for January and Fixed Basic Fee for April.
  6. Refundable Security Deposit shall be applied and that shall be paid in Advance while Signup the Application form for the purpose of Payment Term Security.
  7. MNP feature to change operator is not possible with this service.
  8. NITV shall have full rights to withhold security deposit amount in case the user failed to pay accumulated invoice on time and user can’t claim such withhold amount with NITV.
  9. User is not allowed to apply SIM for others as it has to be for the person who is signing up the form.
  10. Service will be stopped or not issued for users who are found to be involved in any criminal or fraud or critically wrong activity in the name of religious movement or any cause.
  11. Any changes in terms shall be updated in website for future reference so user is following website to get updated on such changes
  12. Extra charges for International calling will be billed as much as 300 JPY per minute, since international calling charge will be very high, customer complain will not be entertained . Additional costs for the Data purchase shall be incurred.
  13. Billings through iTunes and other online mobile purchases will be billed as extra.
  14. In case customer failed to pay monthly bill, return device or SIM after service cancellation within agreed time frame, he/she will be blacklisted with our service and will be published in Social Media or News Portal with Photo. Additionally, we will use third-party agency and customer will be compelled to pay all service charges including other legal fees.
  15. Customer can get up to 10 minutes free talk-time, calling to NAVI call starting with 0570 or any other NAVI call will be charged as extra.
Payment Terms:
  1. User shall follow the Payment method to pay monthly fee as per the NITV payment terms
  2. Payment through Bank auto transfer is mandatory to fill form correctly by users
  3. Fixed Basic Package Fee shall be paid in Advance and Voice Call Fee shall be post pay
  4. Billing start date shall be from the day SIM is issued after Application is approved
  5. NITV shall provide SIM only as per the request from user and Billing shall be carried from the SIM issued date so its setup sole responsibility of user to setup SIM in his Smart Phone Device which needs to be SIM Free and Compatible with Japan Softbank and Y Mobile 4G/LTE. User manual shall be provided while giving the SIM.
  6. If device rental fee is failed to pay within deadline. We will file to police for legal claim as a device theft or loss.
  1. Device rental/installment is only available to qualified customers and consists of the purchase of an eligible device under a monthly installment.
  2. It is responsibility of customer if device/SIM is lost or damaged and requires paying full price. For Pocket Wi-Fi device cost is 10000 Japanese Yen while for SIM loss or damage it cost 3000 Japanese Yen.
  3. Cutomers who has subscribed Mobile Set on Installment are liable to pay full price if Device is lost of Damaged.
  4. If customer cancels service, SIM/Device should be return within one week.
  5. Minimum contract period is 2 years and cancellation before 2 years shall be subject to Yen 10,000 fee
  6. Device Rental for Biz Plan, Minimum contract period is 3 years and cancellation before 3 years will be 20,000 Yen.
Required Document that User Agreed to Submit
  1. Residence Card Copy or Driving License Copy (Both are Based on Japan)
  2. Passport Copy
  3. Bank Passbook or ATM Card Copy
  4. Customer Selfie photo holding Residence Card in one Hand to make sure of original check

मोबाईल सिम तथा मोवाईल सेट प्रयोगकर्ताका लागि महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी

  1. ५ मिनेट या १० मिनेट लोकल कल खाकेहोदाई (Unlimited)। को सुबिधा भएको र यो सिममा अन्तराष्ट्रिय कल सुविधा छैन।
  2. यो सिम अर्को क्यारियर कम्पनीमा परिवर्तन गर्न नमिल्ने कुरा जानकारी गराईन्छ। यदि DOCOMO को सिम लिएको भए कम्तिमा ३ महिना पछि अर्को क्यारियर कम्पनीमा परिवर्तन गर्न मिल्ने तर त्यस वापत को शुल्क भने अलग लाग्ने छ।
  3. लोकल कलमा ५ मिनेट या १० मिनेट भन्दा धेरै खाकेहोदाई (Super -Unlimited) बनाउनुपर्ने महानुभावले हामीलाई सम्पर्क राख्नुहोला।
  4. ईन्टरनेट डाटा बढाउन/घटाउन पर्ने महानुभावले हरेक महिनाको १५तारिक भन्दा पहिले सम्पर्क राख्नुहोला।
  5. सम्झौता गरिसकेपछि यो सिम कम्तिमा २ बर्ष सम्म प्रयोग गर्नु पर्दछ।२ बर्ष भन्दा अगावै सिम क्यानसिल गर्नुपरेमा क्यान्सिलेसनको रकम लाग्ने छ।
  6. सिमको विल हरेक महिनाको २६तारिक सम्म तिर्नु पर्दछ, ढिलोमा महिनाको अन्तिम दिन सम्म विल भुक्तानी गरिसक्नु पर्नेछ अन्यथा तपाईको लाईन बन्द हुने व्यहोरा जानकारी गराईन्छ।
  7. बैकंवाट अटो विल तिर्ने महानुभावले आफ्नो बैंक खातामा विल महसुलको पर्याप्त रकम छ/छैन ध्यान दिनुहोला। यदि तपाईको बैंक खातामा पर्याप्त रकम छैन भने बैंकले ३५० येन सम्म जरिवाना गर्ने छ।
  8. किस्ताबन्दीमा मोवाईल सेट लिने ग्राहक महानुभावले तोकिएको समय भित्रमा किस्ता भुक्तानी गर्नु पर्नेछ। यदि समयमा किस्ता भुक्तानी नगरी सम्पर्क मा नआएको खण्डमा जापानको कानुन बमोजिम दण्डित हुनु पर्नेछ। चोरी या हानिको मुद्दाको रुपमा कानूनी प्रक्रियाका लागी जापान पुलिस समक्ष पेश गरिने छ ।

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